الخميس، 4 أبريل 2013

king Ahmose 1

king Ahmose 1

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ahmose I Egypt editor, Hyksos repellent and Asians, and founder of the Eighteenth Dynasty - the greatest dynasties in Egypt. Ruled from 1550 BC. AD. Until 1525 BC. AD.

Ahmose I
Royal Name: Neb - ht c - Ra
This means: Ra is the master force

Original name: the Miss Q
This means: Born the moon (ie: Hilal)

Ahmose is the son of King Taa Ra first تاعا and Queen Ahhotep, and the brother of King Kamose, the last king of the family seventeen. In the age of ten he took Ahmose, whose name means Born Moon: Crescent. Power after his father's death and the death of his brother in the war against the Hyksos. His rule has taken the name Royal Neb. - پhetti - Ra.
The expulsion of the Hyksos

Ahmose, a hero fighting the Hyksos
Taa Ra was the first of began attacking the Hyksos to fight them and their exodus from Egypt and killed in one of his battles with the Hyksos, then completed his son Kamose war until cleared level of the Hyksos, and Ahmose expelled the Hyksos out of the country. Was Ahmose his armies when he was about 19 years old and used some modern weapons such as wheels of war and joined the army a lot of people good and he went and his armies to Avaris (Sun Ahadjrahalaa) the capital of the Hyksos and defeated them there and then to احقهم to Palestine and trapped at Fort Harohen and eye reunited there until they surrendered did not Hyksos then shows in history, this battle was around the year 1580 BC. AD.

Statue of Ahmose head the Metropolitan Museum

Bronze dagger Ahmose I
The Ahmose development of the Egyptian army was the first to introduce it wheels hostilities ", which was used by the Hyksos, a reason to overcome the Hyksos of Egypt" and was pulled by horses and developed as well as military weapons using dart equipped with a piece of iron on the stock and then began to fight the Hyksos from Upper Egypt, and was surrounded by people so he trained efficiently even become warriors strong and skilled remained fighting the Hyksos from Upper Egypt until he arrived at the capital of Egypt at that time, which was brought by the Hyksos, next to the town of Zagazig current remained fights them even fled to North Delta is behind Vsaina then to Palestine and did not return Ahmose but rest assured on the border of Egypt's eastern It's safe from them and their attacks after eliminating them after the expulsion of the Hyksos arrived Ahmose his army to the country of Phoenicia, also attacked Nubia to recover back to the Egyptian Kingdom, which reached its borders south to the Second Cataract, and photographed campaigns Ahmose in the cemetery of two of its soldiers were Ahmose son of Abana and Ahmose bin 
After the end of Ahmose from wars to expel the enemies and secure the borders of Egypt drew attention to the internal affairs which was dilapidated during the period of the occupation Hyksos, the tax system and reopen trade routes and the fittest canals and irrigation system.
He also rebuilt the temples that crashed and took the capital from Thebes to him, and it was official Amon is the idol of his day.
Ahmose rule lasted for a quarter of a century and died at the age of almost 35 years.
After Ahmose expelled the Hyksos from Egypt returned to the country in 1571 and headed for the internal reform making historians of the founder of the modern state

Ahmose married Ahmose - Nefertari, who became the first wife of the god Amun and bore him three sons, one of whom is his successor, Amenhotep I was the first and the second died at a young age, and four daughters Merritt Amon Amon Sat and Ahhotep West Kamose.

Believed to Ahmose  the one in Abydos and consists of Temple slope funeral and cemetery and the remains of a pyramid discovered in 1899, and knew that his pyramid in 1902 and the Temple of the pyramid and the other in good has been looted by thieves.
Has discovered مومياؤه in 1881 in cache Bahari with mummies of some of the kings of families eighteen and nineteen and twenty-one, were identified مومياؤه on June 9 in 1886 by Gaston Maspero, and the length of the mummy 1.63 cm and her face is relatively small compared with the size of the chest.

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