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الخميس، 4 أبريل 2013

Women Pharaonic first justice minister in history

Women Pharaonic first justice minister in history Tbut women many leadership positions era pharaonic, until I got to rule the country, but as the first Secretary of Justice was awarded to Queen Pharaonic, were given the Pharaonic era for women this right, where it proved ancient papyri that there are names of women were employed in the judiciary and the Minister for Justice, While this still raises controversy in our time. أثريون confirmed...

Women's lives in the Pharaonic

Women's lives in the Pharaonic  Egyptians celebrated every year on 21 March  Lars, "Mother's Day". What no one knows many that the ancient Egyptians knew of women and Krmoha Emma honored in ceremonies similar to those which are held on Mother's Day these days. If the modern world was considered in 1975 as the International Year to honor the woman, Egyptian civilization Alkadimansjt the filament this honor since thousands of years....

king Ahmose 1

king Ahmose 1 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ahmose I Egypt editor, Hyksos repellent and Asians, and founder of the Eighteenth Dynasty - the greatest dynasties in Egypt. Ruled from 1550 BC. AD. Until 1525 BC. AD. Ahmose I Hieroglyphs Royal Name: Neb - ht c - Ra This means: Ra is the master force Original name: the Miss Q This means: Born the moon (ie: Hilal) Ahmose is the son of King Taa Ra first تاعا and...

Curse of the Pharaohs discovery

Curse of the Pharaohs discovery Tutankhamun Began legend Curse of the Pharaohs at the opening of Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922 and the first that caught their attention inscriptions says "slay death wings anyone who tries to dispel the security and peace shrine of the Pharaohs" This is a phrase that I found carved on the tomb of Tutankhamun, which was followed by discovered a series of strange incidents which began the death of many workers...